SculpSure Submental

SculpSure Submental

The treatment for double chin without surgery and injections

Cynosure, a leading aesthetic laser manufacturer in the United States, offers a unique technology for the reduction of protruded adipose tissue and fro tightening the upper part of the neck. The treatment method was approved by the FDA, US authority responsible for the approval of medical devices, in 2017.

Laser treatment is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to plastic surgery and injectable methods among potential patients. Lasers are uniquely safe due to their capacity of precisely targeting and destructing fat cells under the skin surface. If you want to banish unwanted fat on you double chin, this treatment is the best suited. SculpSure resolves the problem of stubborn excess fat by reducing it with a non-surgical treatment: by increasing the temperature of adipose tissue in the treated area the structure of fat cells will be damaged. The damaged fat cells will naturally be absorbed and be depleted from the body.

Recommended for

SculpSure Submental treatment is recommended to those who have a disturbing aesthetic disorder caused by a layer of fat below the chin or who see a loss of skin tightness. Those who do not want any plastic surgery interventions under local anaesthesia or anaesthesia (narcosis). Those who prefer a lighter intervention without any downtime. Those who have been disadvised by the plastic surgeon of a neck liposuction or excision surgery.

Treatable skin surfaces

The sub-mental on the neck, usually referred to as the double chin.


The SculpSure Submental treatment is usually carried out according to prior organised appointments and as it does not require any preparation, it can also be carried out on the day of consultation (depending on availability).

The treatment

The  SculpSure Submental treatment is a safe help without surgical intervention to eliminate excess fat in the double chin area. The handpiece will be fixed on the area to be treated with help of a special frame. After starting the treatment programme, the device will automatically dose the laser energy and cool the skin surface. A light prickling sensation is possible during the treatment.

Ability to work, nursing at home

After the treatment you can continue your usual activities. At home you will have to apply daily 2 times a massage on the laser treated area. The result of the treatment will be fully visible after 6-12 weeks.

Number of treatments required

In general, we recommend 2 (or more) treatments with an interval of 4-6 weeks. Please consult our specialists on your personal treatment plan.

Scientific background of the treatment

SculpSure is the first and only non-invasive laser body sculpting method authorized by the FDA, the US health supervisory authority. The SculpSure device is based on the 1060nm diode laser technology of the Cynosure Inc. USA laser manufacturing corporation. During the treatment, the laser targets and warms up the subcutaneous tissue without touching the surface of the skin. SculpSure increases the temperature of adipose tissue thus damaging the structure of fat cells. Due to the integrated skin-cooling system, the surface of the skin is safe during the course of the treatment. Fat cells damaged by the laser will naturally be removed from the body through the lymphatic system. As fat cells have been removed from the body ,they cannot regenerate. Dr Derm Cosmetic Dermatology and Laser Center led by Dr. Gábor Varju, is the first to introduce this equipment and the related treatment method in Hungary.

Cost of the treatment

The price of the SculpSure Submental treatment for two sessions: 298.450 Ft (to be paid at the first session).

Tisztelt Pácienseink! Szeretnénk Önöket tájékoztatni, hogy az általános bőrgyógyászati vizsgálatra és az anti-aging konzultációra előzetes bejelentkezés szükséges. Viszont vannak olyan kezelések, amelyeket KONZULTÁCIÓ NÉLKÜL, nagyon rövid határidővel vállalni tudunk. Ilyenkor is történik VISIA állapotfelmérés, de nem kell kivárni a konzultációs időpontot. Ezek kivétel nélkül sérülés nélküli (non-ablatív, non-invazív) kezelések, melyek nem igényelnek gyógyulási időt.

Időpontkérés: (06 1) 336 00 77; (06 1) 316 70 28; (06 70) 770 26 63