Rhinophyma nose shaping
Shaping of an enlarged nose with a device operated with radio waves (outpatient method)
The thickening of nasal tissues and form changes in the nose occur in the more severe stage of rosacea, an inflammatory skin disease with vasodilatation, though it may also occur independently. For people suffering from rhinophyma, the enlarged cauliflower-like nose is a serious aesthetic problem. A rhinophymic nose can be restored to its original shape using a radio wave operated knife. In the course of Rhinophyma nose shaping, we remove the superfluous tissue layers one after the other by using methods similar to sculpting.
Recommended for
Those whose nose has become enlarged and resembles a cauliflower, whose nostrils have become thicker or the whole nose has changed. Those who suffer from nose rhinophyma.
What skin surfaces can be treated?
The nose.
Rhinophyma nose shaping procedure is arranged by appointment.
The procedure
In the course of Rhinophyma nose shaping, we use a fine needle and a circular electrode to reduce the enlarged nasal tissues until we can restore the original shape of the patient’s nose as shown in old, patient provided, photographs. The smoke from the procedure is extracted with a medical smoke extractor system equipped with HEPA filters thus preventing inhalation by the patient or the treating staff.
Ability to work, nursing at home
After Rhinophyma nose shaping, the patient cannot work for 1-2 weeks due to skin injuries and subsequent scabbing. After the procedure you will need to continue caring for your skin at home and we always recommend avoiding exposure to light for a month.
Number of treatments
One procedure is enough for an effective result.
Scientific background of the procedure
The Fit4Surgery radio frequency knife used in this procedure was developed under the control of Dr Gábor Varju and is currently used by hundreds of professionals in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Hong Kong, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, the UK, Italy, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary. With the help of the fine electrode of the device, radio frequency power is applied to the tissues to be treated, heating the water content of the cells, evaporating the tissue, and removing the superfluous tissue.
Led by Dr Gábor Varju, Dr Derm Anti-Aging Dermatology, Aesthetic Laser and Plastic Surgery is the first institution to use the equipment and the related treatment methods in Hungary.
Cost of the treatment
Rhinophyma nose shaping costs HUF 180,000.